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Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Kermit Roosevelt

Kermit Roosevelt (not this Kermit Roosevelt, this Kermit Roosevelt), a law professor at UPenn Law School, and owner of quite possibly the coolest name ever is now guest blogging at Balkanization. He had a great first post yesterday. He had a follow up today that I have yet to get to, but considering how enjoyable his first post was to read, I encourage everyone to help themselves.

This is a topic that I have alluded to over the past couple of days and one that Kermit has a very interesting opinion on, as did Noah Feldman (also featured in the above UTR link about Kermit) in Divided By God. I was planning on launching into a more thorough discussion on the topic of activism but we'll have to wait and see.

Over the next week I am also going to be finalizing a couple of debate cases--I will be debating at Williams this weekend--so expect what will be (hopefully) some formal arguments on Thursday night. In the meantime, I have crap to do.

-Mr. Alec


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